We are pleased to announce the release of the ARIS software new version (3.5). There are many new features implemented in the new version of the software including:
- Source code management and version control system are applied, for that purposes Git Source Control Manager (SCM) extension for MS Visual Studio is used, which is designed to track changes in source code and other text files during the development of a software. This allows the user to retrieve any of the previous versions of the original source code and the changes which are stored.
- The main slideshow photos have been changed and also photos of new user countries were added. For the slideshow are used photos provided by users, in some cases ARIS development team has chosen the photos, as not all users provided photos, or the provided photos were not in compliance with the requirements for the slideshow. Below the updated selection of countries photos is presented.
- All texts’ colors in all pages of ARIS are changed to black. The pictures of changes implemented are presented below.
- All links, dates and texts are in same format.
- The maximum allowable size of the attached photos is increased and now users can attach to ARIS DB files with size more than 30 MB.
- The restriction on added dates with same data for Authorization Status is removed and users can add Authorization statuses with same dates. The pictures of the modification are provided below.
- In Scope, Inspection Report, Enforcements and Follow-up lists users can see and open the attached files directly without any additional steps. The pictures are presented below.
- On Inspection Basic details page, the line between fields “Status” and “Classification” is created to separate the fields that should be filled before conducting of inspection and – after. The title “After Inspection” is assigned to after inspection section. Below is presented the implemented modification.
- If the source is returned to manufacturer the source is not accounted in the list of Categories, but in the total number of the sources it will be accounted, or it should be excluded from the list of sources. Additional discussion with the users is required to find out if is it necessary to see the returned to manufacturer sources in the brief tables of the sources.
- The search and filtration of the reports in all drop-down lists of all modules is made simpler and users can find desired element simply by typing letters and the list will be filtrated automatically. The pictures of the modification are provided below.
- Reg. No of the Sealed Source is displayed in the header of History tab of the Sources, the same is implemented for Unsealed Sources, Generators and Assos. See below the implemented modification.
- New column is added to brief tables of the sources: Status. Now users can see the sources’ statuses, as well as sort by statuses and filter the displayed records. See below the pictures of the brief tables that display the status of the sources as well.
- The modification – reduce number of digits after recalculation of current activities in reports, is implemented. The pictures of the activity presentation are provided below.
The setup package of ARIS v3.7 can be provided per user request.